So, you want to be a referee?

Any person, regardless of gender, 18 or older can be a referee for Stockholm Roller Derby.
Referees are a part of the league and are an essential part of the game.

If you want to join our referee crew or want more information, contact us on Facebook, Instagram or send us an e-mail at

For more information about try on (prova på) and our Crash Course program check out the tryouts page.

How do you play Roller Derby?

There are two teams of five players skating laps on an asymmetrical oval track. Each team has one scoring member called a jammer, three blockers, and one pivot on the track at one time. The blockers and pivots form a skating pack. The jam starts skating at the first whistle, and the jammers then have to skate through the pack. The first one through the pack is called the lead jammer. Lead jammer is a strategic status that allows them to call of the jam early. Both jammers continue to sprint around the pack a second time and get through the pack again.

On their second and future passes, they get a point for every opponent they pass. The blockers and pivot try to stop the other team’s jammer from passing and help their team’s jammer get through. The Jam goes on for 2 minutes or until the Lead Jammer calls it off.

What do I need to do as a referee?

There are many refs on the floor at a time. Two refs keep track of the jammers, several will be watching for penalties in the pack, one will be keeping score, a couple will be tracking who’s going to the penalty box, one will be a penalty box time keeper and more. There is a lot going on on the track and you will be in the thick of it.

Do I need to know how to skate?

No. To start off, we do not require any previous skating experience, although if you have any, it is quite helpful. We will teach you how to skate, but there are also many off-skates positions that are needed, just in case you prefer shoes without wheels on them.

What if I get hurt?

Although it is unlikely, referees, like players, can get hurt. Players occasionally fly off the track and may take you out. This is why protective gear is required for all on-skates positions. We also train, stretch and practice falling to help reduce injuries and their severity.

How much of my time will it take up?

Weekly practice is important if you are going to learn the skills required to be a referee. In addition, referees are welcome to participate in all fundraisers, and events.

When we are holding regular practices or benefits, we will give you advanced notice of when they are. This team is DIY and relies on its members to form and support the league. Your fellow referees will also rely on you to be involved in order to keep track of the game. You will miss out on important skills if you don’t attend practices. We encourage people to spend any time with the league as they can, finding sponsors, working on promoting, getting press coverage, making documentaries… whatever! This league is ours; we built it from the ground up… so we determine what it is!

What equipment do I need?

You will need finger whistle and a neck whistle (when you start reffing for real). In addition, every on-skates referee will be required to wear a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, kneepads, and a pair of skates. (Quadskates or Inlines)

Ok I’m ready! What else do I need to know?

We will teach you the rules of the game and how to enforce them. Information can also be found here:

A list of the rules:

Other referee sites and forums:

Non Skating Officials

If any of you ever get a chance to see a bout, you’ll notice that there are a lot of staff, up to 7 referees and around 12 officials. For our referees to do a good job, they need these “NSO”s to communicate penalties and scores with during and between jams. The skaters can’t bout without you!

As NSO you will be a fulltime member of our league and enjoy all the benefits that come from this.

Rough job outlines that we need immediately are:

1 Jam timer – whistle signals start & end of full jam, timing 2 minutes per jam, 30 seconds between jams.

1 Inside Whiteboard  – keeping the inside whiteboard updated so refs and coaches can track all players major penalties.

2 Scorekeepers – One for each team, to confirm points scored for each jammer on each scoring pass with jammer refs.

1 Score board operator – You make sure that all the scores end up on the scoreboard so the audience, coaches, players and referees can see.

3 Penalty timers – One for each team and one for the jammers, times 1 minute in the penalty box for penalised skaters.

1 Penalty Box Manager – Responsible for paperwork in the penalty box

1-2 Penalty trackers – Must have ears open at all times! Refs will report all major penalties to you during a jam.

0-1 Penalty Wrangler –  Helps the penalty trackers by running beside the refs and writing down called penalties for faster communication.

2 Lineup trackers – keeping track of what players are in each jam and what position they play in.

Sounds interesting? Wanna be part of this?

Just tell us you’re interested at: